Thursday, September 18, 2008

September 18, 2008 (Thursday)

I'm posting for James again. This time it's because James is sick too. He woke up and took my mom to the airport at 5am then he took our oldest daughter to school and when he came back he said he didn't feel so great. He's been nauseated all day, and our second oldest daughter decided to join him (after she felt just fine yesterday). So today we've had two sickies which became more of a worry to me after the cancer clinic in Houston called to tell me that Gracie's ANC (absolute neutrophil count - necessary for immunity) was lower than they'd like (900). Great, those numbers dropped quicker than expected. So sure enough she started saying that her tummy hurt tonight just before supper time. She slept on the couch for an hour and when I finally decided to carry her upstairs to her room she decided it was time to throw up all over me. Thank heavens I was able to get her to the bathroom before that happened.  It's much easier to deal with on tile than on carpet. Especially since the carpet has just been cleaned. After I got her all cleaned up I called the oncologist on call in Houston to ask what I was to do with her. She doesn't have a fever yet so we're just to keep her at home and try to keep her hydrated and comfortable. If her temperature reaches 100.4 we're to get her into the nearest emergency. So my job is to check her temperature frequently through the night and until she's feeling better. Poor little thing. But the good news of the day is that we found out that insurance has now approved her zofran so we're able to at least give her something for her nausea tonight! 

Todays Labs (MUCH better experience today)

HgB - 10.3
Platelets - 126
ANC - 900 



Anonymous said...

It's too bad Gracie and everyone else got sick as soon as Mom left. I wish I was there to help. Let your friends and ward help you with anything you need. Tell your family we love them.

Travis and Mardi said...

How are the test results for HgB and Platelets? Are they also low, or are they closer to what they ought to be?

So sorry that you've got illness going around. We pray for Gracie and all the rest- that they can get well soon, and that those of you who are well can stay that way. Love you all!