Monday, September 1, 2008

September 1, 2008 (Monday)

Today, being a holiday was quite a slow one as far as getting things arranged with doctors. My wife and I spent some time trying to accomplish some administrative tasks for Gracie's first round of treatments. Arranging vehicles, phones, children are all kind of crazy with chemotherapy, school, pre-school, work, medical appointments, other appointments, etc. We are also trying to work out the best way to keep track of all the schedules while Gracie and her mom are in a different city. We will all be making appointments and do not want to double book important events.
We are anxious to tomorrow morning to roll around so that we can speak with doctors offices and clear up some of the arrangements for the next week. We also have appointments for Gracie's siblings to see our pediatric ophthalmologist, Dr. O tomorrow morning. Since bilateral retinoblastoma is hereditary, they all have a greater risk and need to be monitored. This is a start to that process. Any kids under 6 years old that have family history (which suddenly we do) need to undergo regular EUA (exams under anesthesia) as well. So the EUAs are scheduled for a week from now as well. Hopefully all is clear with the other kids. If not it is better to know sooner and avoid any real growth in the cancer.
Gracie seems to have now figured out that there is something wrong with her eye. She sometimes pretends to reach into the corner of her eye and pinch something. Then she will show it to you and say, "Look, I got it!" If only that was all we were looking for.
As always thanks for your prayers and continued support.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'Just wanted y'all to know people in Mississippi are starting to pray. We just found out about precious Gracie and will pray that God's hand will direct her treatment. As a Mom, I'll be praying daily for your wife....wisdom, organization, peace, etc... actually for both of you. Please let us know if there are other very specific things we can pray for you or your other children.