Saturday, January 24, 2009

Yesterday's counts

Okay, I really did get these results yesterday but I've been busy and am just now getting around to reporting them.

HgB - 8.6
Platelets - 33
ANC - 690

So it's good news that the ANC is already going up, and it didn't drop as low as I was afraid it would. Her platelets were low but not low enough to need a transfusion at that point. However by tonight her legs were covered in bruises and she had petechia on the back of her neck and in her mouth. I called the on call oncologist and asked what she wanted to do with her. We're going to the hospital at 8 am to check her blood and given that she's already got symptoms she'll probably be getting platelets tomorrow.  So James gets to take the other three kids to church and I'll spend the day at the hospital with Gracie. Hopefully it won't be too long, but I'm not holding my breath that I'll beat them home (church is from 11-2). 


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