Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Waiting for the next step

Thursday we have an EUA scheduled to take a look at Gracie's eyes. This could be the last time we see Dr. P before moving to a new doctor.  We are excited that this will only be a day trip to Houston instead of three days of chemotherapy!  Hopefully after meeting Dr. G this next month we will have a better idea as to the future game plan for Gracie's treatment.  It would be nice to know the options that we have anyway.  

The kids are also really excited about DisneyWorld. In two weeks time we will be in the midst of our Make-A-Wish trip to Florida.  The girls are ecstatic. Gracie is excited that we are going to go swimming and eat ice cream!  I am not sure why we need to go to Florida for that part but that is what she seems most excited for.  We have not been to the cancer clinic or had blood checked for a full week now!  It has been great for me but Gracie does miss her friends at the cancer clinic and at the blood clinic.

Gracie is doing so well.  We are so appreciative of the many prayers and love that has been given to us.  We have been richly blessed because of it.

1 comment:

PureDesign said...

It's GREAT news to her that she is doing well. Heather and I were happy to see her at Stake Conference as well!

We keep Gracie and your family in our family prayers EVERY night. Ya'll are all an inspiration to me.