Thursday, March 5, 2009

Gracie's 8th EUA- the Good, the Bad and the Beautiful!

Gracie underwent another EUA today. Here is my quick summary of today's results.

The Good-
The left eye has two tumors. One was thought to be dead and completely "flat" last month.  This month it looks exactly the same so we are pretty sure it is all taken care of.  The second and bigger tumor has responded favorably to laser treatments and continues to shrink.  One or two more laser treatments are in order to get that tumor flat against the retina (all dead).
The pre-existing tumors in the right eye and the vitreous seeds have not grown and her vision in both eyes remains unimpaired.
In four weeks we will meet both Dr. P and Dr. G for the switch to Dr. G as our primary pediatric ophthalmologist for Gracie.  We are excited about that and found out that Dr. G will meet with us on Fridays.  Fridays are typically better than Thursdays so that is good from a logistical standpoint.

The Bad-
The tumors in the right eye have not shrunk and another tumor was found in the right eye. The tumor is small and in the periphery of the eye.  It was treated with laser and Dr. P said that if it is not flat by the next appointment (four weeks from now), she will use cryotherapy and get rid of it once and for all.  It is disappointing to find new growth however the growth seems like it will be relatively easy to kill and is located far from any location that would influence vision or spread outside of the eye (good news!).  Dr. P pointed out that this is the area where we would expect new growth in someone Gracie's age. The cells in the periphery of the retina are the ones that are still maturing, so they are the ones susceptible to mutation.  The retinal cells toward the macula have matured and so will not start new tumors (that is certainly our hope). 
This does not impact any future plans, yet.  We are still just on a holding pattern, waiting to see if the tumors grow when she is not getting chemotherapy.  The next step will depend on Dr. G's assessment in four weeks and how the tumors respond.  Hopefully we continue to see no growth in existing tumors and shrinkage in the tumors being treated with laser treatments.  We will continue to monitor the eyes and act when changes occur (like the new tumor today that was hopefully effectively treated by laser therapy this afternoon).

And the Beautiful!
Gracie loved wearing her Rock Star sunglasses in the recovery room and eating her red popsicle. The nurses there know her pretty well and commented on her new hair cut and her sense of style!  Dr. P also told us a funny story about her when she met everybody right before her surgery.  She had been talking all morning about how excited she was to see all her friends at the hospital.  When she left us to go to the operating room, she seemed eager to get to see everyone.  Dr. P said she got into the room and looked around and said, "These aren't all my friends from the hospital."  Dr. P said she seemed happy to see everyone nonetheless but thought it was cute that she had been looking for some specific friends and had obviously not found them there.

Gracie was a bundle of energy after her surgery and into tonight. We left this morning at 7AMish and got home at 9PMish.  Some great friends watched the rest of our kids for us.  We are so appreciative of all the love and support we have received from family and friends. We pray for Gracie to keep both her eyes. We acknowledge how blessed we have been to have such a wonderful cheerful little girl throughout all of this.  Her blood counts today were very good.  Her ANC was comfortably within the normal range for a child her age!  She has recovered so well and avoided so many illnesses, even when her immune system was so very compromised.  We hope for the best and especially that those medical professionals who care for her know what is best.  We have been so blessed to work with such good and caring people throughout all of our visits for Gracie's retinoblastoma treatments.  I think I could go on and on.  We truly do have so much to be thankful for.
Thank you all for your love and concern for Gracie and for our family.  It has really been felt and is appreciated!  


The Queen Vee said...

Gracie you are a SUPER HERO to me.

ShawLove said...

Love the hat too!