Sunday, May 31, 2009

Some pictures of Gracie over the past few days

Gracie is showing off her picture of "Princess momma" in the waiting area.
OK, the smile looks a little forced but she is one happy little girl!
Gracie always enjoys her time in the waiting area with all of the toys.
In the morning Gracie was hungry for pancakes and she ate a lot of them. She did not want to open her eye because it hurt. She enjoyed eating though and listening to Little Einsteins on TV.
This is actually the first picture of Gracie post surgery. Once she woke up she quickly inhaled two juice boxes. That is not entirely surprising as she had not eaten for 20 hours!
Once we got to the hospital room Gracie crashed. She was exhausted and just wanted to keep her eye shut.
Once at our hotel (4PM on Saturday), we all went shopping. Gracie loved getting out and even had to open her eyes to pick her favorite type of candies! She realized that it did not hurt so bad. Gracie was tired after our little excursion. She napped a little bit before having this lovely meal of sweat rolls, chocolate cookies, raspberries and orange juice!
She had a silly smile for the camera this (Sunday) morning. She is excited to go to church.


Theresa said...

We love our little Gracie Mae and know our prayers and thought are with all our Texas Smiths
Theresa,Chad,Kendra and Edithe

Kirsten said...

Good to see her smiling. We're so glad things are going well for her, and you. Enjoy your stay in Houston. Love, the Ericksons

robinbonner said...

I am so glad to see Gracie Smiling and happy!!! When James brought Gracie in to Seminary last week I didn't know about the surgery on Friday. We discussed it yesterday in class and the kids want to help out with Saturday. We'll leave it for a surprise. We KNOW that Gracie has been blessed and that miracles have occurred. We know that prayers are answered even when we don't understand the outcome. Thank you for your messages of hope and inspiration. We are blessed to know the Smith family and WE LOVE GRACIE!!!

And I Think to Myself.....What a Wonderful World! said...

your daughter is a precious little child of God, I am humbled and touched by her story.
Keep smiling Gracie