Thursday, April 30, 2009


I just thought I would pass on a little bit of important but unfortunate news. It is from an e-mail that we received a little earlier today.  It is very disappointing to say the least.

I know everyone was pumped up and ready for Relay; however, the Leander Independent School District has made the decision that Relay must be postponed due to Swine Flu concerns.
DON'T LOSE YOUR MOMENTUM - WE WILL RELAY THIS YEAR.  Plans are being made by the committee to hold the Relay later this month.
STAY TUNED FOR THE NEW DATE and look at the bright side - Now everyone has more time to raise monies!!!!
Thank you all for your understanding. 

2009 Cedar Park Leander Relay For Life is May 1-2, 2009
Our Pledge is to celebrate the lives of cancer survivors, to support those who fight cancer and to remember those we have lost.  Our commitment will be symbolized in every step we take . . . each and every step . . . moving us nearer our goal, the goal of a cancer-free world.

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