Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Today's Counts

Hg - 8.8
Total White Count - 3.2
ANC - 864
Platelets - 22

Gracie is getting a platelets transfusion tonight at the Children's Hospital. She would normally just do it in the cancer clinic but we didn't get through to them until 2pm. By then it would have been a tight squeeze to get it done before 5 given that I would have had to find people to take care of my other kids and driven the 1/2 hour to the clinic. Additionally I'm sick today (great timing) and if Grace went to the clinic this afternoon I would have to be the one who took her as James is at school. I don't feel up to wearing a mask for 3 hours when I can hardly breath already. So we decided to swallow the higher copay and have James take her to the hospital when he gets home. We need to get the transfusion done today as we're traveling to Houston tomorrow for the genetics appointment. We didn't want to take Gracie to Houston with critical platelets levels. Her platelets won't nadir until Friday so by tomorrow they'll be at least in the low teens, if not lower. While James is at school I'm doing my very best to keep my distance from Grace as now is a poor time for her to get sick. Although I must say I'm impressed that her ANC is still so high. I was expecting them to be closer to 500. So basically Grace is expected to be watching movies or be upstairs playing in her room until her daddy gets home. It's not working as well as I'd like, but it'll have to do for now.


ShawLove said...

Hope you feel better Stephanie!!!

We'll pray that Gracie and your other children stay healthy.

Travis and Mardi said...

Hope that you're feeling better soon, and that Gracie feels well with her transfusion. We want you all to feel great for when Christmas rolls around!

The Ord Family said...

Get well soon! Is anyone from your family coming down for Christmas this year? Hope you guys have someone to spend it with. Do you have your dates for Disney yet? Hope you guys have a great week.
