Sunday, December 21, 2008

Look What I Found

We really have no idea how long Gracie's had cancer. Possibly since before birth. But I was looking through pictures doing something totally different when I came across this picture of Gracie when she was 19 months old. In her right eye you can see that her pupil reflects back white. Sometimes this just happens, but with Gracie this may be the first photo we have showing her tumors in that eye. After I found this picture James and I spent hours scouring over all the photos we've had of her since birth. We have only 2 possible pictures showing leukocoria (white pupil) prior to when one of Gracie's tumors detached from the retina in August 2008 (making it much easier to see). With that detached tumor (visceral seeding) floating around we can see it all the time now. But usually retinoblastoma causes a white reaction rather than the red eye commonly seen in low light photos. Because Gracie's tumors are all located peripherally she still has a red reflex in almost all of her photos (it's not too common that ALL of the tumors are peripheral leaving an intact red reflex). Notice how this picture's taken at quite an angle and the lighting is very dim, this is what is required to get the white pupil (leukocoria).  

IF YOUR KIDS EYES REFLECT BACK WHITE IN PICTURES GET IT CHECKED OUT. If the pediatrician says it's no big deal tell them that you want to see a pediatric ophthalmologist, or at least an ophthalmologist. Pediatricians do not have the experience or tools to accurately diagnosis retinoblastoma or to accurately give you an all clear. Eliciting a red reflex in an office is not good enough to clear you of possible retinoblastoma. The exam has to be done at the very least with dilated pupils, using an ophthalmoscope so that you can get a clear view of the retina (hard to do on wiggly children). Retinoblastoma is a rare cancer, so you're probably fine even if you do see a white reflex in low light flash photos - sometimes eyes just do this in pictures - but you'd rather be safe than sorry. I'm not intending to cause fear by putting in this plug for retinoblastoma screening, I'm just trying to increase awareness. Knowledge is power. 


Anonymous said...

I ran across your blog from Gracie and I must say she is a beautiful little girl. She is now in my thoughts and prayers. I have bookmarked your blog as a favorite of mine so will now be following her story and look forward to seeing a positive outcome on this.

Travis and Mardi said...

What a little doll! She's always been a cutie. We've all received an education because of Gracie's challenge and I'm sure that what you have found out and passed on will help others. Also, I just wanted to say Happy Anniversary to you two today. You're a great team.

Love, Mardi

Christina said...

I remember posting a picture once was new to digital, we had spent the day at Science world and were leaving the next day for Caifornia, one of the pictures I posted had the white reflection in my then youngests(this was like 4 years ago) eye, my friend phoned and within the hour we were in the Children's hospital pcture in hand waiting to see the specialist, we were lucky and blessed that after much testing she was given a clean bill of health (it was an aftifact they called it) but I now know how important it is to have it checked out, thanks for spreading the word.