Well, things have been fairly calm since Gracie's transfusion on Thursday last week. I have been pretty busy with school and work and Stephanie and the kids have been on holidays and getting ready for Christmas. I know it is a bit early but our kids found some Christmas decorations in the garage and it kind of snowballed from there. Now our tree is up and Christmas music is playing all of the time! It is kind of exciting!
The fact that Gracie was suppose to get blood work done on Monday morning and we all forgot, is indicative of how "normal" things have been. Gracie has been feeling great and back to her normal 3 year old self. Her sisters are treating her just like any other sisters would, so often trauma ensues in our home. Today I took Gracie to get her blood work done this morning. She took her piggy ball (the one she was given on the day of her first transfusion) to entertain herself. She ended up entertaining everyone in the waiting room for the 15 minutes we were there. She would back up as far as she could from my chair and throw the ball all the way across the room to me and want me to throw it back. Occasionally she would be off the mark and have to crawl under someone's chair to find the ball. She was very happy to be there until they called her back. Then she cried and said, "I don't like a little poke," over and over again. Our good friend and lab technician, Kerry, was there. She is really good to Gracie and got it done really quickly. We have not got the results but I guess we have stopped expecting them the same day now.
We are grateful for the wonderful care that Gracie continues to receive and for the many blessings that we have been given. I am reminded everyday about how much Gracie is loved and how fortunate we are to be here to receive the best care that we could ask for!
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