Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Cute Story

Due to Gracie's high predisposition to skin cancer she's not allowed outside without sunblock on (SPF 85 - who knew they even made it that high). Last night her dad went to run an errand. Gracie asked if she could go too, but since it was dark and bedtime James had to tell her "Not this time." James left and Gracie ran into my bathroom. She came out a few minutes later and had smothered herself in her sunblock, she was very anxiously asking "NOW can I go with Daddy!" As if the lack of sunscreen was the only reason she wasn't allowed to go. I guess she hasn't realized that you don't need sunscreen if there is no sun. She always has been her daddy's little girl though, and she loves to spend all the time she can with him. Funny how kids minds work. 


Unknown said...

That is a sweet, sweet story. I am glad that it is written down so you can remember it forever.

Aimee' said...

Oh, what a sweet baby!