Thursday, September 25, 2008

Normal is Great!

The last three days have been crazy and full, but normal crazy and full. It has been nice to feel a little normalcy again! So I just thought I would leave a quick post to say that things are going well. Gracie is feeling great, she no longer needs her daily shots (until after the next round of chemo on Oct 9-11)!! Gracie even got outside to play at the park with some friends today and loved it.
As always, we appreciate all of your love and support!


Travis and Mardi said...

Yay! Hope things continue well for all of you!

Josh said...

Great to hear from you guys. Lots of love to all of you.

Josh said...

Sorry James, the frozen rt is my blogger name for my blog northrt.
Josh, Jill and the boys

Bev said...

Love the blog. Way to keep us off your backs and still in the know. Love Ya Lots. It's so amazing how fast life changes and reminds us what's really important in life and who's in charge. Always glad for the time we spend together as family.

Anonymous said...

James, Stephanie and kids

What a blessing. Prayers are truly being answered, and we are so happy for your family. Normal is fantastic, awesome and inspiring..... Love you guys and hope that it continues.....
Love, Uncle Cameron and Aunt Mary Ann and family

Jan Leishman said...

Hey y'all!(that's in my vry best Texas drawl) So glad to hear things are going so well.And of course we will all be including y'all(can't stop now)in our fasting and prayers today. Love,the "other" Leishmans and family